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September 28, 2022

Update from the originator:

The originator is expecting to receive a final completion date on this property. Upon repayment of the loan, all interest due will be paid as well.

September 14, 2022

Update from the originator:

The repayment of this loan was scheduled for September 11th. Unfortunately, you have not yet received this repayment yet, as well as the interest of August 11th. Silhouette Property LTD has indicated that the repayment of this loan is delayed. The reason for this is that the mortgage of the buyers took longer to be approved. The mortgage was only approved last Friday, while the fundraiser had already accepted the offer in August. Right now the fundraiser is waiting for the seller's solicitor to transfer the funds. The originator is currently in contact with Silhouette Property LTD about this, you will receive more information shortly.

August 25, 2022

Update from the originator:

This project was extended by one month and it still has to be processed in the system. Therefore, the interest payments will be made soon.

June 30, 2022

Update from the originator: Fundraiser Silhouette Property LTD has indicated that they are unable to pay the interest of June 11, and probably also that of July 11 on time. However, the sale of the property is scheduled for July and would allow early repayment of the loan along with the interest payments of June 11, July 11, and August 11.

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